1) Read a little more from the book you’re reading and write out five new words. Make five sentences with the words (you can take examples from dictionaries).
Ссылка на книги для чтения:
2) NEF (WB) Unit 4 A

3) Read the script for the video and use it to translate the sentences (below)
What is your daily routine?

Kim Ashman
Hi, my name is Kim. My daily routine — I wake up every day at eight o’clock and then I go outside and I do some exercise. And then when I finish I go home, I have a shower and I eat my lunch. Ha-ha I go to work at about three o’clock and I start teaching at about five o’clock. I finish every day at nine o’clock and then I go home and make myself some dinner and I watch TV.

Sam Valentine
Hi, my name is Sam. I wake up at nine o’clock in the morning, about nine o’clock, then I get up, make a cup of coffee, check Facebook, have a look at the news, spend about an hour drinking coffee looking at my computer, then have a shower, go to work. I normally get to work at 10 30ish. When I get to work — check my e-mails, talk to my colleagues … umm… do… do what I need to do at work… and I have lunch at about two o’clock.
And then normally about four o’clock I go to Qwaihang to teach. I teach there until seven o’clock, then I come back home, have dinner, read for a bit, watch television and go to bed at about one o’clock.

Clare Cowran
Hi, my name is Clare. My daily routine starts at seven o’clock when I wake up, have a shower and get dressed. Then I wake my children up and get them dressed and we sit down for breakfast together. We leave the house at eight and we walk to school. And after I’ve dropped them off at school at 8.30, we… I generally do some exercise. Then I will have a shower and go to work. Sometimes I collect the children from school and we go for an afternoon activity. Sometimes I go back to work.

What is your favourite part of the day?

Kim Ashman
The best part of my day is going home and eating my dinner and watching the television, because I like to relax after a long day.

Sam Valentine
The best part of my day is the morning when I wake up, have a cup of coffee, look at the news, look at the football, check Facebook, ….. That’s my favourite time – the morning between nine and ten o’clock.

Clare Cowran
My favourite part of the day is in the evening at about 7.30 I read to my children, we read some books and then I put them to bed at eight o’clock and I have a glass of wine generally.

What would be your dream day?

Kim Ashman
My dream day would be to wake up one morning and for the sun to be shining and to see George Cloony with a big bunch of flowers for me. And he would say: I love you. Will you marry me?

Sam Valentine
My dream day, I think – I would have no job, I’ll be unemployed.

Clare Cowran
My dream day I think would be to be an astraunaut for the day. I’d love to wake up on a spaceship and experience weightlessness.


SENTENSES FOR TRANSLATION (Use the script above and the text in NEF (SB), p. 35)
1. Я обычно просыпаюсь примерно в 9, принимаю душ, просматриваю Вконтакте и Одноклассники, знакомлюсь с новостями. Потом бужу детей и одеваю их. Мы вместе завтракаем и идем в школу. Это моё любимое время — утро между 9 и 11 часами.

2. Я никогда не завтракаю дома — утром я  не голоден. На работу я надеваю костюм, рубашку и галстук (юбку, блузку и жакет). Я никогда не ношу джинсы им футболку на работе. Когда я обычно прибываю на работу в  9.45,  я выпиваю  чашку кофе. Я начинаю работу в  10.00.

3. На работе я обычно разговариваю с коллегами, проверяю электронную почту, делаю всё, что нужно делать на работе. Я заканчиваю каждый день в 5 часов и потом иду домой, готовлю себе ужин и смотрю телевизор. Иногда я иду гулять с друзьями. Примерно в 10. 00 я возвращаюсь, немного читаю или смотрю телевизор (люблю расслабиться  после долгого дня) и потом ложусь спать около 11.30.


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