НЕДЕЛЯ 7 (27-30 апреля)


Прикрепите ссылку на Гугл Документ с выполненным заданием к этой странице. В файле должно быть только одно выполненное (текущее) занятие. К файлу должен быть открыт доступ «комментировать могут все, у кого есть ссылка».

1) Answer the following questions. Try to give extended answers and use more advanced vocabulary.

1. What are some of your favourite paintings and painters?
2. Do you have paintings at home for decoration?
3. Do you like to pose for a painting of yourself? Why? (Why not?)
4. If you could be given the talent to paint, what would you paint? Would you sell your paintings?

2) Watch the video and name the 10 most famous paintings in the world mentioned in the video. Write out the following information about each painting:
a) who and when it was painted by;
b) in which country and in which museum it is on display;
c) what is depicted on the canvas;
d) what was the painting inspired by (if mentioned).

3) Watch the video and name the 10 most famous painters in the world mentioned in the video. Write out the following information about each painter:
a) the name of the painter
b) the country the painter originated from;
c) the time when he lived;
d) what art movement and style the painter followed;
e) the painter’s most famous works.

4) Write two description essays (250 words each)
a) about one of the paintings mentioned in the first video;
b) about any painter mentioned in the second video.


Лента активности курса

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