Giving Directions. Dialogues

Ваши успехи:
  1. — Excuse me, can you tell me where South Street is, please?
  • Take the second turning on the left and then ask again.
  • Is it far?
  • No, it’s only about five minutes’ walk.
  • Many thanks.
  1. — Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station?
  • Turn round and turn left at the traffic lights.
  • Will it take me long to get there?
  • No, it’s no distance at all.
  • Thank you.
  • That’s OK.
  1. — Excuse me, but I’m trying to find the Town Hall.
  • Take the third turning on the right and go straight on.
  • Should I take a bus?
  • No, you can walk it under five minutes.
  • Thank you very much indeed.
  • That’s quite all right.
  1. — Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the town centre?
  • First right, second left. You can’t miss it.
  • Is it too far to walk?
  • No, it’s only a couple of hundred yards.
  • Thank you very much.
  • It’s a pleasure.
  1. — Does this bus go to the station?
  • No, you’ll have to get off at the bank and take a 192.
  • Can you tell where to get off?
  • It’s the next stop but one.
  1. — Am I O.K. for St Mary’s Church?
  • No, we only go as far as the park, but you can walk from there.
  • How much further is it?
  • It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.
  1. — Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?
  • No, you should have caught a 12. Jump out at the bridge and get one there.
  • Could you tell me when we get there?
  • It’s three stops after this one.
  1. — Excuse me.
  • Could you tell me the way to the hospital, please?
  • Yes, go along this street and turn right at the traffic lights. The hospital is on the left.
  • Thank you.
  • That’s O.K.
  1. — Excuse me.
  • Could you tell me how to get the bank, please?
  • Yes, of course. Go along this road as far as the traffic lights. Then turn left into High Street and it’s on the right.
  • Is it far?
  • No, not very far.
  • Thank you very much.
  • You’re welcome.


  1. — Excuse me, miss. Is this where the 33 bus stops?
  • Well, several buses stop here. The 33 stops here too. Where do you want to go?
  • I want to get to La Guardia Airport.
  • The 33 will take you there.
  • Thank you.
  • Not at all.
  1. — Excuse me … I want to get to Palladium Theatre. Do I get off at the next stop?
  • Well, what’s that stop? Oh no! You go farther. Two or three stops more. Oh … wait a moment. You may get off here and take another route bus. It’ll be probably quicker.
  • Yes, it surely is more convenient.







Read the conversations and write out useful phrases for the following situations:


  1. You want to know where Lane Street is. Ask for directions in two different ways.
  2. You want to say that the person who is asking you the direction just needs to walk for five minutes to get to the place he is making for.
  3. You thank the person who has given you directions in three different ways.
  4. You need to get to the station. Ask for directions in two different ways.
  5. You want to explain to he person asking you for directions that he has to get to the traffic lights and turn left there.
  6. You want to know if it is necessary for you to take a bus so that you get to the place you are making for.
  7. You say to the person who is asking you for directions that he can easily reach the place he needs on foot and it will take him less than five minutes.
  8. You wan to explain to the person who is asking you for directions that he needs to reach the first turning on the right, then when he reaches one more turning, he should turn left.
  9. You want to know if the place you are making for is so remote that you can’t reach it going on foot.
  10. You want to know if the bus you are riding a he moment will stop at Green Park.
  11. You want to tell the person who is asking you for directions that he needs to leave the bus when it stops near the bank.
  12. You want a passenger on the bus to tell you at which stop you need to leave the bus if you need to reach St Mary’s Church.
  13. You are making for La Guardia Airport. You want to know if you have taken the proper bus.
  14. You want to tell the passenger on the bus who has asked you where he should get off the bus that he has taken the wrong bus because it’s Bus 12 that goes the direction the passenger needs.
  15. You want to tell the person who is travelling on the same bus as you are (Bus 6) that he needs to get off the bus quickly and change for Bus 5.
  16. You want to tell the person who is asking you for directions that he needs to travel three more stops, not including the one where the bus has stopped at the moment.
  17. You have come to a bus stop, but you are not sure if this is the bus stop you need (you need to take the 33rd)
  18. You want to explain to the person who has asked you for directions that if he takes the 44th bus he will reach the place he is making for.
  19. You want to know if it is necessary for you to leave the bus at the stop that follows the one where the bus has just stopped.




Exercise 2. Work in pairs asking for and giving directions from our University to:

1) the bank; 2) the post-office; 3) the police-station; 4) the chemist’s; 5) the cinema; 6) the supermarket; 7) the library; 8) the railway station; 9) the hotel; 10) the hospital.






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