Giving Direction. Invitation Letter

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[00:03] Text one

[00:07] An informal invitation

[00:11] 35, Manor Road, Harpole, Portsmouth.

[00:18] 30th August

[00:22] Dear Bob,

[00:25] I’m just writing to let you know our new address

[00:31] and to invite you to our house-warming party next Saturday.

[00:36] I’m sorry about the lack or warming,

[00:41] but we’ve been busy moving house and I’ve had littletime for anything else.

[00:47] In any case we only decided to hold the party last week

[00:53] when we foundout that the cost of moving was not as high as we had reckoned

[00:59] and that we had a little cash to spare.

[01:03] We moved in here two days ago

[01:08] and we’ve been working non-stop ever since.

[01:13] This evening we decided to have a few hours’ rest,

[01:18] so I’m writing a few invitations to some friends.

[01:24] You can do the trip from Oxford to Portsmouth in two hours now the motorway is open.

[01:30] Harpole is rather difficult to find though,

[01:35] because it’s a new housing estate

[01:40] and few people know where it is.

[01:44] Give us a ring when you are in the area,

[01:49] and I’ll give detailed directions to you then.

[01:54] Our number is 67453.

[02:00] Barbara and I hope you can make it in spite of the short notice.

[02:06] All the best, Charles

[02:10] P.S.

[02:14] We can fix you up with a place to sleep —

[02:18] I imagine you can put up with a mattress on the floor.


[02:24] Text two

[02:28] Detailed directions

[02:32] Portsmouth 67453.

[02:37] Hello, Charles.

[02:41] This is Bob.

[02:45] You were quite right in your letter;

[02:49] very few people have any ideawhere Harpole is.

[02:55] I’ve asked half a dozen people so far without success.

[03:01] I guessed you’d have difficulty.

[03:05] Where are you now?

[03:09] I’m in a telephone box,

[03:13] outside a post-office,

[03:18] at a crossroads about a mile from the end of the motorway.

[03:24] O.K.

[03:27] Listen carefully then.

[03:31] Carry on along the road towards Portsmouth

[03:37] until you go down a steep hill.

[03:41] Take the turning to the left at the bottom of the hill —

[03:46] there’s a pub called The Green Man on the right just before the turning.

[03:52] I’ve got that.

[03:56] Go on.

[03:59] The road winds through a small village,

[04:04] over a bridge

[04:08] across a river

[04:12] and then under a railway.

[04:16] Just after the railway bridge

[04:20] the road forks;

[04:24] take the left hand fork…

[04:29] Slow down a bit!

[04:33] I’m trying to write this down.

[04:38] I’ll never remember all that.

[04:42] I’ve nearly finished.

[04:46] After about a mile you’ll drive through a wood

[04:51] and, as you come out of the wood,

[04:55] turn right and go up the hill to Harpole.

[05:01] Manor Road is the second turning on the left,

[05:06] and our house is at the end on the right.

[05:10] You’ll see my car, the dark blue Rover, parked outside.

[05:16] I suppose I’ll find it,

[05:21] but if I’m not there by midnight

[05:25] send out a search party!

[05:30] Text three

[05:34] Arranging the house

[05:38] Give me a hand with this sideboard, Charles.

[05:43] I want it over there by the settee.

[05:48] Don’t you think it would be better under that picture by the armchair?

[05:54] No. The picture isn’t staying there anyway.

[06:00] I only hung it on the wall because it was in the way on the floor.

[06:06] We can arrange the pictures when all the furniture is in place.

[06:11] Where did I put my big screwdriver?

[06:16] It’s not in the toolbox

[06:21] and I want to tighten up these loose screws on the door hinges.

[06:26] You had it in your hand when you went into the kitchen just now.

[06:32] Perhaps you left it there.

[06:36] Yes, I think I put it down on the shelf above the sink.

[06:42] I’ll go and fetch it.

[06:46] Pass me that brush behind the chair before you go;

[06:51] and take your tools off that nice polished table.

[06:57] You’ll spoil all our furniture before you finish.

[07:03] Don’t keep on nagging.

[07:07] I’ve got to put themsomewhere.

[07:11] By the way, have you seen the cat this morning?

[07:16] You didn’t shut him outside last night, did you?

[07:21] He’ll get lost.

[07:25] No. He’s definitely inside the house.

[07:32] I expect he’s fed up with all the fuss and noise.

[07:38] He’s probably crept into a cupboard somewhere and gone to sleep.

[07:44] That’s just what I’d like to do.

[07:48] I’m tired of it all as well.



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