Уважаемые студенты, ниже представлено примерное задание по индивидуальному чтению. Уточняйте требования к отчётности по индивидуальному чтению  у вашего преподавателя.

Please, by 10 September, send your teacher the name of the book or a part of the book you’re going to read during this term. Read the assignment below carefully before completing it!!!

Deadline for peforming the assignment — not later than Halloween (31st October)!


1) to read 150-200 pages of a fiction book;

2) to write out and learn 40 expressions (not just words!) you find useful or interesting, e. g. to catch up on something — наверстать упущенное, доделать; to be keen on something — любить делать что-либо etc.

3) to be ready to explain the context in which the phrases were used in the book;

4) out of 40 expressions you have written before, to write out 10 expressions you find the most useful, those you would like to share with other students;

5) to write a summary of the 150-200 pages you have read, e. g.


  1. The main character in the book is Dorian Gray, a handsome young man in his twenties.
  2. A friend of Dorian, Basil Hallward, paints his portrait.
  3. Dorian wishes never to grow old and instead his portrait will grow old. He says he would even give his soul for that.
  4. A friend of Basils, Lord Henry Wotton, gives Dorian a book about enjoying life and nothing else and Dorian strictly follows the rules of the book.
  5. Then Dorian falls in love with the actress Sybil Vane. He asks her to marry him and she accepts.
  6. Dorian takes his friends to Sybil’s play.
  7. Sybil plays very badly and when Dorian asks her for an explanation she tells him she can’t act being in love. because she now knows how it feels.
  8. Dorian breaks up with Sybil for that and Sybil kills herself.
  9. That is the first time the portrait changes, Dorian looks older in the portrait.
  10. In the following years Dorian is just enjoying life and all the people he meets get into trouble.
  11. But every time he does something bad, the portrait changes.
  12. One day Basil visits Dorian, because he heard all kinds of rumours about Dorian’s behaviour.
  13. Dorian shows Basil the painting and Basil tries to tell Dorian he is doing the wrong thing.
  14. In a bust of insanity, Dorian kills Basil.
  15. Dorian orders a friend, who is a scientist, to get rid of the body. The scientist commits suicide as well, because he can’t live with the burden.
  16. Sybil’s brother wants to kill Dorian , but he gets killed by accident during the hunt.
  17. In the end Dorian wants to better his life. He tries to be good, but the portrait stays the same.
  18. Then Dorian decides to destroy the portrait, but with doing that he destroys himself to and he dies.
  19. Dorian and his portrait switch appearances again.
  20. The people who find Dorian don’t recognize him at first; the painting is of a young man again and Dorian is old and ugly.

6) to retell the the part of the book you have read in detail using the key phrases and the summary;

7) to describe in detail the appearance of one of the characters (as you imagine it) in no fewer than 200 words. Use the vocabulary list from the following textbook (Unit 3, p.75 Describing Appearances):

Мурзинова, И. А. Do Well in English! PART 1: Учебное пособие по практическому курсу английского языка / И. А. Мурзинова. – [б. м.] : Издательские решения, 2023. – 550 с. – ISBN 978-5-0050-4056-5.

8) to describe in detail the personality of one of the characters in no fewer than 200
words (illustrate it by describing some situations from the story);

Use the vocabulary list from the following textbook (Unit 4, p.94 Describing Personality):

Мурзинова, И. А. Do Well in English! PART 1: Учебное пособие по практическому курсу английского языка / И. А. Мурзинова. – [б. м.] : Издательские решения, 2023. – 550 с. – ISBN 978-5-0050-4056-5.
Be able to discuss the events and situations described in the book with the teacher!
Скачать полный текст пособия И. А. Мурзиновой Do Well in English. Part 1 можно на сайте научной электронной библиотеки


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