1. NEF (WB): 1C

2.NEF (SB): p 89, ex 1C (b) — do the exercise in writing in your notebook

NEF (SB): p 103-104 — study the vocabulary

3. Revise and Check, NEF (SB): p 12-13 — do the exercises

4. NEF (SB) 2 A — make a hard copy and bring to class

*Grammar Practice pp 49-50 — make a hard copy and bring to class

5. Your news (about things you like to discuss: economics, music, sport, jobs, newspapers, magazines, television, hobbies, films, travelling etc)

6. Find 5 sentences with the words from the video «Are you creative or analytical?» in dictionaries.

MODEL: The thumb is the first digit of the hand.

7. NEF (SB): pp 117-119 — tables — make a copy and bring to class


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